Monday 4 January 2016

Ready or not...2016!

Ready or Not... 2016 is here!

At the beginning of each year I'm usually pumped up, roaring and ready to go, full of energy and great ideas. This year - not so much.

Could it be that I'm getting older and less excited by the new year when I look at the mountain of tasks that I have set for myself this year? 

Breathe, I tell myself. Just breathe...

The truth is that 2015 was a good year for me, despite my mom's passing. It was a blessed year filled with lots of traveling, networking, business opportunities and growth in every area of my life. 2016 is poised to be even better as my growth takes flight to bigger, better, higher, brighter and more prosperous things.

Why then am I so discombobulated and unexcited? Frankly, my calendar looks no less full than last year's.

Could it be then that I am overwhelmed because I am looking at the whole picture in one sitting rather than taking it a little at a time? Perhaps that's exactly the problem. So here's what I'm going to do and what you too may wish to do, if you are as overwhelmed as I am.

  • Spend more time praying and meditating and less time on Facebook
  • Take life one day at a time. One event at a time, One task at a time.
  • Organize. Be efficient with time and resources. 
  • Plan time to relax and take it easy
  • Ignore the blinking light on the phone every now and then
  • Say NO when its appropriate to do so
  • And be OK if it simply doesn't get done this year!!!!
Here's wishing you all the best for 2016! May you learn to love more, laugh more, forgive more, relax more and be at peace.

"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." Mathew 6:34 (New Living Translation)



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